Kelly K. Dixon

Senior Attorney

Contact Information

Direct: (415) 909-4007
Fax: (628) 280-6514 
Email: [email protected]

Practice Areas

Since her first day as a practicing lawyer in 1998, when she dove right into a contested Will case, Kelly has loved helping clients navigate the legally and often emotionally complex world of Probate law. After ten years of representing clients in all aspects of conservatorship proceedings, probate litigation, decedent's estates, estate and trust administration, and related areas, Kelly took time off to raise her children. In 2013, Kelly returned to the practice of law to work with Liza at the Scott Law Firm and in 2020, at De Vries Law P.C.

In all she does, Kelly's focus is to protect an elder's autonomy and dignity while balancing the need for formal assistance to maintain health and safety. Her goal is to support and guide professionals, individuals, and families as they wend their way through Probate proceedings that often bring long-simmering family dynamics to the surface, with wisdom and grace.

Advocating for others comes naturally to Kelly who has extensive experience representing private professional fiduciaries acting as conservators, trustees, and personal representatives in San Francisco and the surrounding Bay Area courts for over two decades. Kelly has drafted hundreds of petitions that were adjudicated positively for her clients, including petitions for the establishment of temporary and general Probate conservatorships; petitions filed within conservatorship proceedings, such as for the establishment of estate plans for conservatees; petitions for the recovery of assets stolen from conservatees, estates, and trusts utilizing Probate Code authorities as well as the provisions of the Elder Adult and Dependent Adult Civil Protection Act and other relevant law; petitions to reform, modify, or terminate trusts, or concerning aspects of trust management (or, mismanagement) by trustees; petitions for the removal and surcharge of nefarious conservators or trustees, petitions for the probate of estates; complex reports and accounts of fiduciaries, including conservators and personal representatives of estates; Spousal Property petitions; and, oppositions to petitions in these areas that were filed by other parties. Throughout her career, Kelly has also represented elders in many capacities. She has served as a former member of the panel of attorneys appointed by the San Francisco Probate Court to represent proposed conservatees, their family members, and loved ones, whether acting as a fiduciary or an informal advocate. 

Kelly and Liza balance sensitivity and respect for elders' choices with a creative approach to fierce advocacy. Kelly contributes her Probate knowledge and experience to formulate and execute strategies with Liza to recover millions of dollars for our clients and protect our most vulnerable community members from harm.


  • Brilliant and Finally Honed Petition

    This is incredible.  I feel like I'm reading an excellent New Yorker article entitled Perfidy. I am humbled by this brilliant and finely honed petition. Truly superb!!!!  
  • Compelling Written and Oral Advocacy

    You have captured this case so eloquently, completely, accurately, and with your unique excellence and style. We are honored to be represented by De Vries Law.


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Contact Us Today!

At De Vries Law, P.C., our team helps individuals and families navigate civil rights violations, elder abuse litigation, and probate matters involving trusts, estates, and conservatorships.

Contact Us Today to see how we can help you.