Lizabeth N. de Vries

Founder, Litigation Attorney

Contact Information

Direct: (415) 909-4008
Fax: (628) 280-6514  
Email: [email protected]

Practice Areas

Liza de Vries is the founder of De Vries Law, P.C.

After vigorously prosecuting civil rights and elder abuse cases for over sixteen years at the Scott Law Firm, Liza launched her own practice in 2020.

Committed to preserving the civil rights of those whose voices cannot be heard, Liza represents the interests of elders, people with disabilities, consumers, and children who have suffered from wrongdoing by those who abused their position of authority. Liza's courageous clients pursue litigation to protect those who have suffered from a prism of scenarios constituting elder or dependent adult financial abuse, breach of fiduciary duty, or gross misconduct. Liza also proudly represents professional fiduciaries who step into the shoes of those who cannot protect themselves as conservators, trustees, guardians ad litem, or attorneys-in-fact. She also staunchly defends fiduciaries who have been falsely accused of wrongdoing for nefarious purposes. Common opposing parties are so-called friends, colleagues, associates, care providers, disgruntled family members, strangers, state actors, and all who take advantage of a victim's frailties, diminished capacities, and inability to withstand undue influence, fraud or duress.

Her clients recover their losses through civil, conservatorship, or estate and trust litigation.

Liza's Track Record

  • While recovering millions for her clients, Liza's practice focuses on making systemic changes to ensure sound public policy by pursuing violations of the Elder Abuse & Dependent Adult Civil Protection Act, the Consumer Legal Remedies Act, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and related California civil rights statutory schemes including the Fair Employment & Housing Act, the ADA, and Probate Code sections intended to recover property wrongfully taken from elders or dependent adults.
  • Liza has litigated many complex and high-profile cases against Fortune 500 companies, financial institutions, felonious care providers and those who “assist” in elder abuse, and all branches of the government including private state actors.
  • Named as counsel in over twelve published decisions, Liza has also been involved in numerous ground-breaking appeals. Issues raised include how to interpret the remedies available to plaintiffs under the Elder Abuse Act and the rights of employees who care for children with a disability.
  • Liza is honored to collaborate with well-respected advocacy groups including Legal Assistance for Seniors, Professional Fiduciary Association of California, local Adult Protective Service agents, and local bar associations. She is also a frequent presenter at statewide and local conferences.
  • In 1994, Liza founded the local chapter of a statewide program which teaches law to high-school students called Youth & Government. After ensuring city-wide funding for the statewide program to expand and continue in San Francisco, she established its annual Bill Hearings in City Hall and Mock Trial in federal court.


Numerous organizations invite Liza join forces in our mutual goals to understand, prevent, and deter abuse against elders, people with disabilities, and children. 

  • Difficult Clients [and Sanctionable Conduct by Opposing Counsel] and Issues in their Representation Alameda County Bar Association, December 7, 2023
  • Rules of Engagement: When Your Job Is Being the Ethical Adult in the Room | Professional Fiduciaries of California Annual Educational Conference, June 3, 2023
  • If You See Something, Say Something! What You Must Do to Protect Your Client's Civil Rights | San Francisco Bar Association Dependency Panel, May 16, 2023
  • When Your Job Is Being the Ethical Adult in the Room | Professional Fiduciaries of California Educational Conference, on demand at virtual conference June through August 2020
  • Financial Elder Abuse 101 | Legal Assistance for Seniors Annual Conference, May 21, 2019
  • Toolbox for Navigating LGBTQIA Elder Abuse | Legal Assistance for Seniors Annual Conference, May 22, 2018
  • Our Ethical Journey | Professional Fiduciaries of California Northern Regional Education Day, September 9, 2015
  • Are Your Client's Transfer Documents the Result of Financial Elder Abuse? | Legal Assistance for Seniors Annual Conference, May 19, 2015
  • Elder Financial Abuse: The Why, the What is Being Done, and the What's Next | Legal Assistance for Seniors Annual Conference, May 20, 2014
  • Recent Case & Laws Impacting Professional Fiduciaries | Professional Fiduciary Association of California Annual Conference, April 22-23, 2014
  • Elder Abuse Statutes: Potential Landmines and Goldmines | Professional Fiduciary Association of California Annual Conference, September 12, 2013 
  • Elder Abuse Update & Q&A |  East Bay Trusts & Estates Litigation Bar Section, July 17, 2013
  • Consumer Protection/New Legislation Updates – Financial Institutions: Observe, Detect, Report, Prevent and Collaborate |  Legal Assistance for Seniors Annual Conference, May 21, 2013
  • Conservators' Duties and Responsibilities | Professional Fiduciary Association of California Annual Conference, April 27, 2013
  • Financial Abuse Cheat Sheet and Updates | San Francisco Adult Protective Services, August 18, 2011
  • Why, where and how to file an elder-abuse case | Legal Assistance to Seniors Annual Conference, June 20, 2011
  • Authorities to Recover Your Elder Client's Assets Short of Litigation | East Bay Trusts and Estates Lawyers, May 4, 2011
  • Legislative Update-Insurance Fraud and Mandatory Reporting | Elder Financial Protection Network Call to Action Conference, April 8, 2011
  • When should you pursue an elder-abuse lawsuit? | Contra Costa County Elder Law Section, September 14, 2010
  • How to set up elder-abuse lawsuits to recover elders' assets and dignity | Legal Assistance for Seniors Annual Conference, June 18, 2010
  • Mandatory reporting requirements for suspected elder abuse; RCFE admissions and discharge: protections many elders do not know about; and, New laws effecting financial-abuse litigation | Professional Fiduciary Association of California Annual Conference, May 9, 2008
  • Confronting Elder Financial Abuse: Real Estate Fraud | Elder Financial Protection Network Call to Action Conference, March 27, 2008
  • Protecting Elders: Legal Issues | Center for Judicial Excellence Probate Forum, January 25, 2007
  • Standing To File An Elder Abuse Lawsuit | Legal Assistance For Seniors “Let's Stop the Bleeding” Conference, May 2, 2006

In Liza's free time, she enjoys spending quality time with her family and friends, swimming, hiking, traveling, learning, and creating art.

Recent Blog Posts


  • Excellent, Professional, and Tenacious

    My first contact with Liza was in 2012. She called me to better understand how to support my aging uncle. For an hour she listened to my recollections of how our family sagas unfolded over many years. I was very impressed by Liza's keen ability to accurately capture my perspective into a cogent d...

    After our first conversation, I knew that Liza's passion and experience were just what I needed to counter the bully tactics that Big Corporations were using to beat up my company and many other African Americans and Black-owned businesses. Liza took on the charge to fight the unions, the County,...
  • Groundbreaking Strategies to Mindfully Achieve Our Legal Objectives

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  • Compassionate, Tireless, and Fierce

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  • Powerful and Will Fight for You Till the End

    I don't normally write recommendations, but I feel you should know from an actual client about an exceptional lawyer, Lizabeth de Vries. She is a Powerful Attorney and will fight for you till the end. Years ago, I was taking care of my elder family members, Aunt & Uncle. They granted me power of...
  • Devoted, Hard-Working, and Brilliant

    Thank you with all my heart for your incredible devotion, hard work, and brilliance to save my family from a predator. Did you know the word "hero" originally meant protector? You will hold a unique place in my life forever . . .  
  • Ensures Elders Enjoy Well-Earned Retirement in Peace

    We would, without hesitation, recommend Liza to anyone who requires legal services and elder advocacy to ensure elder family members enjoy their well-earned retirement in peace.
  • Dedicated to Protecting Vulnerable Communities

    On behalf of our family, I'm sending a heartfelt thank you for all you have done to save the conservatee and represent her best interest in the face of great adversity and pushback. Our family is so grateful and it's hard to find the words to express our admiration for your good work. Thank you f...
  • Professional and Energetic Advocates Who Litigate With Integrity

    You and I have 3 very difficult cases together, and I appreciate all the energy, advocacy, integrity, and professionalism you bring. It inspires me to be better.
  • Wise, Skillful and Empathetic

    Thank you for all for your hard work and commitment on my parents' case. Your wisdom, skill, and empathy were invaluable in the process.
  • Expertise, Patience, and Good Advice

    I never told you just how appreciative I am for all that you have done to help our father. He will be entering a wonderful memory care residence which was only possible with your help. He will get to spend the rest of his life being well taken care of and making new friendships, and for that we a...


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Contact Us Today!

At De Vries Law, P.C., our team helps individuals and families navigate civil rights violations, elder abuse litigation, and probate matters involving trusts, estates, and conservatorships.

Contact Us Today to see how we can help you.