

After our first conversation, I knew that Liza's passion and experience were just what I needed to counter the bully tactics that Big Corporations were using to beat up my company and many other African Americans and Black-owned businesses. Liza took on the charge to fight the unions, the County, and two Fortune 500 companies. I watched Liza depose an executive VP of a multi-billion dollar company and she was AMAZING and AWESOME! Liza drew out testimony that exposed how these companies conspired to put me out of business. Shortly thereafter, we resolved the case before trial. I am proud to recommend Liza de Vries to anyone seeking justice for civil-rights violations and wrongdoing against any defendant. 

– Private Client, pre-2020


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At De Vries Law, P.C., our team helps individuals and families navigate civil rights violations, elder abuse litigation, and probate matters involving trusts, estates, and conservatorships.

Contact Us Today to see how we can help you.